Taken from a fortress in Florence |
In case you didn't figure out where I was by this title it was Italy! Of course I have been neglecting my blog lately so I was there like forever ago however it was an unforgettable experience. I traveled from Barcelona to Firenze! Which if you didn't know is Florence which was rather nice. I had my first taste of ah-mazing gelato and one of the girls from my hostel and I went out to dinner and got 100% freshly made and organic pizza which was truly unforgettable, I still dream of it. Florence was super pretty and had this one cathedral, the name escapes me now but it was literally breathtaking. It was so beautiful I could have basked under it for hours, which I did! I walked around and along the river and eventually up a fortress where I got a beautiful overview of the whole city and beyond and it was amazing. I loved Florence even if it was pricey!
Fresh, organic Italian pizza |
My favorite Chocolate Chip
Gelato! |
Here is some of the foods I
sampled throughout Florence aka my favorites aka everything I did eat
more pizza than I have every before.
I miss gelato so much now
The Coliseum looks amazing! |
After Florence I went onwards to Rome which was an experience in itself. I stayed in a lovely hostel nestled in the forest with tons of bamboo and a very friendly staff. I made two friends and the next day we went off to see Rome. Which is cheaper than Florence BTW! I saw the Colosseum which was amazing and it was a honor to be in the vicinity of a piece of architecture that might as well be as old as time. We walked around for hours and saw the Trivi fountain (if I get names wrong, which I know I am, I will be correcting them when I have access to a real computer and not just my phone when I'm home and I'll also be adding photos), we say the Pantheon too and a few other things I can't remember at the moment but it was all truly great. I loved it to bits and I will go back one day because I couldn't do Rome in just a day and I'm fast paced so if you go, do two days. Unless you have a jet pack or you can fly, that might help you see more. I did have gelato here as well which was equally amazing! While I was in Rome I headed to Vatican City by walking (I walked everywhere and on this day I walked about 25km). I was with two other people who somehow convinced me to go up to the top of St peters? Basilica. It was 550 stairs, never again. I paid like €6 to walk up stairs, the view was nice (see photo) but it was not worth that many stairs and I swear I better have the most beautiful legs ever. I want an award! I was trying to find a trophy emoji and I couldn't. Then to end the day we watched the sun set over Rome from a beautiful hill.
Gondola resting in the water in Venice |
On my way to Lido Beach
in Venice |
When I said ciao to home I headed to Venice which I don't have a popular opinion on. I decided since I don't get to camp often, why not camp in Venice!? So I did and it was an unforgettable experience. I had to take a bus from my hostel to a form of transportation called the people mover, it is actually called that too, I took a photo of the sign and I'll be posting it. After that I would be pretty close to everything in the city. It is pretty but not life changing. I got some great photos which you'll be seeing and the people were nice but there is really not much to do in the city so I headed off to Lido Beach! The beach was great and the fun part was I got to take a boat from Venice to get there, I love boats and water soooo much. The beach was great and it had to many seashells it was great, I collected a decent amount and I have a plan for them when I get back home for work! I'm sure you're wondering why the word pasta is in the title if I haven't had any, well I couldn't find any that I would particularly enjoy so I had more pizza and gelato ;) I had some mind blowing good vanilla gelato when I left the beach and I swear it was life changing.
All in all I did enjoy Italy and I look back on it fondly, however it is not my favorite country so far but it was a good experience even if I had to climb 550 stairs!
Florence Cathedral |
Photo of Rome from the top of St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City, Italy |
Now I'm off to another city and the name of that is V-