My tattoo |
Getting the tattoo |
What has Ashley been doing since she got? Well besides work and the usual dog-cat-fish-eel-lizard care I got a tattoo! I wanted to get a map of the world on my arm but the tattoo special my mother and I attended only had time to get one of my passport stamps done. I've been wanting to get them done my left calf for a while now and I finally took the leap and did it. For those of that don't know, this my entry stamp in Russia from July, 2, 2015. I think it is so cute and I am totally in love with it, like I love it so much. It's still about a week away from being completely healed but it's getting there. The white thing is the paper that was pressed onto my leg and the black is clearly the tattoo. It's super cute and next one will probably be my South Africa one or my stamp from Qatar. I was originally going to get all my passport stamps but since I want to go to every country, I don't think I have enough room, Also some stamps are boring, like my stamp from London is so soul suckingly dull that I don't want it permanently stamped onto my body, it can stay in my passport. Also for those of you wondering if it hurts, I was pre-warned from my best friend Lizz that it feels like a shard of glass getting dragged down your skin and it really does. It is 1000000% shard of glass cutting feeling. It wasn't too bad but I couldn't imagine getting a 2 hours tattoo, I would go crazy.
My bunch of shot glasses |
My post cards with the missing ones not
here yet |
While in Europe I shipped back a package through the Italian post full of souvenirs from London, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain and they were all stolen. The only items I received out of about 30 things was my shot glass from each country. Which is the bulk of my collection which you can see. I also collect post cards and since they stole all of my hand-written on post cards, I just ordered some new ones from online that I custom designed so I can fill that top empty space that you can see as well. I was REALLY upset at first but I quickly realized that I have never prided myself on needing material possessions to be happy, I'm always happy and I don't need items to make me happy. So I accepted that they were stolen and I had a great trip and made so many great friends and memories that can't be take away from me and I will always treasure that. Of course in the future I will ship UPS and I will continue to buy souvenirs and a lot of them. I plan on making photo albums of each of my trips. I still need to make my one of Russia and my one of South Africa and Europe. I just haven't bought the albums, or printed the photos but I will. That will definitely be on my Christmas list. I have been slowly compiling my list and so far I need a shot glass case (I already have about 20 shot glasses), and I suppose some nice photo albums that will last for eternity will be nice as well. My father is going to be buying me a go-pro which is for my upcoming trips so you guys can experience them with me, which I am so excited for and I am more excited to do some zip-lining, sky-diving, swimming-with-sharks expeditions that my grandmother can watch because that will be quite the riot. Anyway keep checking in every so often to see what I'm up to even though right now my life is as boring as it can get (which isn't very). I'm planning another trip to do by the end of this year but I'm not going to tell you what it is just yet because that wouldn't be fun! I already have the places I want to go next year picked out too! So excited but for now I will be feeding my reptilian creatures and living life to the fullest.
Also I'm going to start posting cute holiday ideas because you guessed it HALLOWEEN IS ALMOST HERE AND I CAN'T CONTAIN MY EXCITMENT!
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