I've thought about this throughout the day and I can't even fathom what I would take. I mean, I would keep all my memories, but that's not a choice. Other than that I can't really say. I can't take my family, nor my friends. I don't need any fancy clothes, or a phone, let alone a vehicle (Of course if I didn't require it). So I have no idea. But one thing that I do know, is that now I see everything people take advantage of. They take advantage of their families, their friends, their cars, money, everything. So some of the only advice I can offer on this subject is be grateful for what you have. Don't keep fighting with that one family member, or friend. Don't be using someone or using anything wastefully, because one day you might not have it. Praise what you have and help those who you can, because in the end you might need them so don't lose them! I hope ya'll have some inspiring ideas so I'll leave you with a little question. What are you grateful for?
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