I've getting liters of questions of how am I backpacking across Europe, how to do it and how do we plan it? There is tons of planning ahead of time and if you're doing it for the first time I suggest making an itinerary depending on how long your trip is going to be. So first you need to decide how long you plan on being away. If you plan on going for 2-3 weeks I would make a list of what you just have to see and then make a list of what you else you can see in that country or that city. You definitely would not want to fly into a country and play it by ear because by the time you get back you might realize that you got caught up and missed some wonderful monuments or museums. If you're going from a month to two months you definitely have a lot of wiggle room. For instance my trip is 6-7 weeks and we have about 6 weeks of planned time and that leaves us with a week to use as we please, we can spend an extra day or two in some of our cities or take a leisure day and float down the Grand Canal (Italy) for half a day and not worry.

After deciding how long your trip will be you need to start looking for when you want to plan your trip I.E. over the summer, winter, spring etc. and make sure you plan for the weather in the country you're going to because the weather here in the United States sure isn't going to be the same in Russia for example, It isn't the same from state to state let alone country to country! After you decide what time and of year and how long you want to be gone then it's time to start finding those plane tickets! Make sure you research your plane ticket for the time of year you're going I.E. If you're leaving July 1st, 2016 look for a plane ticket for that date and always buy in advance, they only get more costly the closer your date gets. Look at what your first destination is going to be and try to fly into there and then look at what your last destination is and fly out from there, or you can take the rail and go back, it really varies from country to country. There are a lot of resources out there for traveling internationally and don't be afraid to utilize them, there are other blogs, websites and sporting stores that are openly available to you. There are also a few blogs out there that look for prices to get really cheap for select airfare and definitely use those! If there's a select airfare for half the price and you get to go to Africa before your trip, take it! It's a great opportunity and an experience of a lifetime!

After you find your airfare and have your dates ready start looking for a backpack, there are many options from front-loader to top-loader to suitcase style and they can range anywhere from $50-200, however I happened to find a great one for the price of about $90. They range in liters and cubic inches. I suggest a 50-65 liter and remember the backpacks are different sizes, One I might buy that fits me well won't fit my travel buddy Nick that well due to him being like 12in taller than me! Which was exactly our case when we went out to find some backpacks. I loved mine and he hated mine. Also I could fit in his backpack which I find hilarious so you know if I get tired where I'll be hiding! Make sure it's sturdy, has very sturdy zippers and a rain cover is always convenient as well. Try it on and add some weight to it to make sure it works with you and your body the backpacks can range in weight from 2lbs to even 5lbs I believe, I haven't held a 5lb one yet though so that's me guessing. Just remember this bag is going to be with you for a while.

Now you may be wondering where do I stay and how can I possibly afford this many hostels or hotels! In most countries you can find hostels for dollars a night which is great and there are a plethora of apps and websites to help you find one that fits you such as Hostels.com (also an app), and AirBnB (also an app) those the two that I use. However I use an app called Couchsurfing and it is exactly what it sounds like mostly. There are tons of people on this app and website and you stay with them to little to no cost at all. There are people on here from all over the world and some of these people have hosted more than 100 people! Crazy right? Staying with a stranger. Well this is the great part they have reviews and they review you as well. So you leave a review saying what they did and if you enjoyed yourself and then they leave a review on you as a guest if you were clean, messy, loud, etc! You and them also have a biography on the profile asking various questions such as where you've been, what you hope to gain from being on the website and your hopes and aspirations as well as what kind of room you'll be staying in if you stay with them. It ranges from couches, to floors to beds. However it is free lodging and you're meeting a great new person and making new friends. International new friends, the best kind!. Likewise if the person whoever hosted you happened to come to your country it would great for your to host them!
All in all if you dream it do it! Don't sit around thinking what if just plan and do. No one is going to achieve your dreams for you! Just do it.
We're getting pretty ancy over here because you guessed it we leave in a little over a month, the countdown begins!
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