Weird title right? Well let me explain, the name of Budapest is commonly mispronounced which no one really notices but after you travel around Europe and go there, you get corrected often. Bu-da-pest is actually pronounced bu-da-pesht. using the word 'pest' is actually a term for the black plague so it is pronounced 'pesht'. Now on to my time in Hungary!
The few of Buda, walking over the bridge |
The view of Pest from the top of the palace |
Budapest was a blast and my whole time throughout Europe I heard great things about it from it being cheap to it being beautiful, my two favorite things. After arriving in Budapest from Prague one of the first things I saw was a Hooters, which was hilarious and then I saw the ever so prevalent TGI-Fridays which is literally all over Europe. I arrived later on in the day so I chose to grab some dinner and head to bed. In my hostel I met a guy whose card had been deactivated by his bank because when you travel internationally you need to provide your bank with an itinerary or they might shut off your card because why would there randomly be charges from all of the Europe when supposedly you're in the US. I let him use my cell phone which mind you doesn't work without Wi-Fi. I have a great app when travelling call Viber. The great thing about Viber is you can call landline phones with the app and buy an hours worth of minutes for only 1USD which my family loves because not everyone has a smartphone and with most other apps you can only call people who have the same app you do. I let him use my phone to call his bank which was a balancing act for keeping good bars for the reception. After that we went to the grocery store and talked about where we are from. He was from Oregon. He partied that night where as I laid in bed and read a book. Even when travelling I need to relax.
I couldn't resist a bird on my head |
I miss my lizards |
The next day I offered for him to come on a walking tour with me and he took me up on it. We walked around all of Budapest which is two sides, there is Buda and then there is Pest. We were staying on the Pest side so we had to cross the chain bridge and made some other friends while we were walking. We saw the vacation palace which is just a bunch of museums now and got some great photos and afterwards we went to a Zoo Café which was great. I love animals so of course it was great. The food was super sub-par but the animals were wonderful. After telling the waiter of my experience with all the species of animals they had, he soon just let me open the enclosures and take the animals out which I went crazy with. I annoyed everyone at the table with my knowledge and I'm sure I made one or two of them dislike me, but after missing my animals for over a month at this time I needed some good lizard time.
The next country I'm heading too is my last for this trip
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